Sunday, January 3, 2010


Some days it is hard to know what to say. I should be uplifting.....I should be positive......I should be.........should be.....but the blog , no matter what, is real, heartfelt......probably opinionated....... I make no excuses.....I am passionate about what I do.

Somedays it is very emotional around the have a "hovering" horse......hovering between life and death.........push comes to do what you can and you hope for the best. You hate to lose hate for them to suffer. You wonder if you are doing the right thing, the wrong wonder a million times and then again. There is a saying somewhere........."If wishes were horses, beggars would ride"......I could add lines to it I swear.

Thank you all for pulling for Jake. He is well loved by lots of folks. I do not know if he will make it. It is touch and go...the critical time for him. I want him to make it, but I am not sure if he has the will. He is tired and his body is weak. His hind limbs drag and he has trouble lifting them easily........and it is very hard to get up once he lays down....such a struggle. Such a shame....he deserves better. Humans really failed him and yet he still looks to us for a kind hand.

He did get up this morning and then he ate.......then he napped in his stall. We changed his blanket and gave him more hay.......gave him some warm beet pulp.............then some bran. He is still pooping good. His stomach constantly gurgles.........he probably has belly pain. Horses, when starving eat all sorts of junk...........wood, rocks.........anything to soothe the hunger. ...and unfortnately, rocks, wood.........all wreak havoc on the delicate digestive system.

So as of tonight our dear Jake is still hanging in there. Say a prayer for him that he may rest easy.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

fingers crossed for Jake, if anyone can pull him through it will be PUR thanks everyone for helping this sweet gelding.