Friday, March 19, 2010

Fine fine Friday

I got to sleep in a little.......okay...until 6:45.......then up and at the day. Coffee of course and toast.......dogs fed, email.......shower and then to the barn. It was chilly but BLUE sky promising to be nice all day. Wahoo! I can certainly use a nice day and so can the horses.
I throw hay, change water in tubs, take blankets off, feed chickens.........ummm.....yes, the peacock is still here.........feed the barn cats, rake some manure..........I have to run home for a little while.........
Ryan is at the barn and he takes down two old fixtures and puts up two new ones........we feel like we have a whole new barn lately.........he also puts up a new porch fixture for my mom........Pony UP personnel take good care of my mom........just part of the chore list some days!
I come back to the barn around 11 and Mary is paddocks..........thank you Mary for coming each week.......I appreciate your help and friendship....

Mercy was very quiet today and I was concerned about how she was feeling, but she ate and pooped, so both ends are working.......still, you never know about horses who are coming back from being starved.
Promise is sharing a paddock with Breeze and they love each other. They spent the afternoon hanging out, drinking water and eating hay together. They are almost the exact same age and the same color.......but Breeze is of course in full flesh and a gleaming coat, while poor Promise is underweight and has long, thick, coarse hair. She will come along, in just takes time.

Sully is home and bewildered as to where his swank surroundings went..........he is now in a common paddock.....with a loafing shed and no high priced warmbloods sharing his aisleway........he had a good roll in the dirt today and he and Beaver made faces at each other.
TarBaby had never seen Sully before.......and he was enamored with him.........really strange.

We had two eagles flying overhead today.........watching the chickens........they never swooped down, probably too many people in the yard ..who knows.

I drove out and visited Winston today..........he looks fabulous and moves like a real dressage horse. I am very happy with his progress. I bathed him after his lesson and he was such a good boy..........they all love him. He really is showing the ability to do some upper level work.........I am so proud of him.

Tomorrow, work at the barn of course, a visitor or two.........blankets is supposed to be seventy degrees........ooooooooooohhhh.......just like summer, huh? Time for fly masks and spray.......well, you have to go hand in hand........flies and warm weather. I suppose.

Let's see......our work list seems like it never gets arena fencing up the driveway......better windows in the stalls..........more gravel?...gosh, I haven't said the G word in a long time......G R A V E L.........a necessity for Washington winters.........and winter is just around the corner in my paranoid mind.........sick, isn't it?
I think we might pour cement will be nice to have that done and then we have a wash rack!
We were also looking today and we think we can extend the paddocks by ten feet......doesn't seem like much, but ten feet is ten feet........enough for a small stall and if everyone is extended ten feet, then we have about sixty feet in width.........enough for a paddock....Beaver needs a bigger paddock.

All in all I had a great day today..........I hope yours was as good as mine.

Pony Up fortune for tomorrow:

Practice makes perfect, but perfect may not be what you are after.

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