Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thoroughly Thursday

No rain today........and the frog chorus is even louder. I wish I could record it for you.....simply amazing.....sounds like an old Rainier Beer myself I know.....but yes, there used to be a Rainer beer........produced locally...with cute commercials.

Vinnie is adopted and tomorrow he will journey to his new home. I will be sad.......I have gotten very attached to him....but early tomorrow morning I will take him to Emerald Downs and he will catch a ride with a horse transport company. Wish him luck!

The mare drama continues and I ask myself each time I go to the barn, why do I take mares? We all know the reason.,I would never turn a horse down based on sex.....but honestly.......high drama......striking, squealing, goes on and on. The boys are like...hmmm.......I know I am interested but really not sure why???? Funny how the horses choose who they like and who they don't.........TarBaby hates Sophie but loves Breeze............Sophie hates Church but likes Breeze....Beaver doesn't like anyone...........Breeze loves Beaver and don't you dare take him away..... I am thinking of renaming the rescue....Pony Up Rescue for Equine Geldings.....or consider the acronym....PURGE............LOL....Pony UP Rescue for Geldings (Equine).

The days are already longer.......such a pleasure....a simple gives me so much more time to clean in actual daylight. In a week or so it will be light way later and I will be much happier...........I am working on getting a caretaker to live on the barn property so that there is someone there at night and also someone who can help clean. It will be nice because it will allow our little rescue to also help a needy person with a place to live. I am going to try and have something put together this month.......I already have a couple of persons interested. It is just a matter of getting the finances aligned for such a project.

This weekend Ryan will put a large hot water heater in and we will pour cement for the wash stall..........and Sophie will get a bath. She might get a new name too.... she is one crabby old bat.
Again.........I do not blame her, after what she has been through.........but gee whiz..........she is an equal opportunist on both ends...........she bites and she kicks. Ouch! Not for the faint of heart.
I called her Mercy this morning...........I said she needed to have Mercy on me...........I was a mere mortal.........and trying to care for her the best I could............she was unimpressed........a work in progress that is for sure and totally unadoptable at this point..........but that is our see her through.

I made some good contacts this the horse community and the general animal rescue community. Good things will come....I feel it.

The sun is supposed to be out all weekend...............YAY!!!!!!!!! We can move the manure pile........we have had lots of folks coming to get compost. It is really great to be able to have someone use our waste..........Pony UP goes green!

Pony Up fortune for tomorrow:

Your hands cannot build a dream without your heart...........

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