Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Stallion arrives at the Jones Farm

The Reeves’ dog Bo......isn't he handsome?

The hotwalker at the Jones Farm.

The stallion is his new stall.

The beautful clean and organized.

Looking out of the jail bars on his stall.

Saturday morning and here is another update of the stallion chronicles..... we got up bright and early, got our chores done and then it was time to load up the stallion for his second trailer ride.

About 9:30am, we took the trailer up to the arena, drove in, opened the trailer.....then I caught the stallion, tried a couple of halters on him that were too big......but I really wanted a leather halter on him for the trailer ride, so I finally found one that would work. I had Page fill the hay bag and hang it. Then it was time to see if the boy would willingly load. I asked him to come forward and then Beaver started screaming......the stallion called back to him...... I had Page go back and lock Beaver in a stall. I asked the stallion to walk around a little then brought him back to the trailer....asked him to step up........he did, then he got in and then turned around and got out. No worries. I asked him again, tapped him on the behind and he got right in.......we shut the door and we were on the road.

Thanks to Bonnie for coming down to help us and sorry for the wasted trip.....I actually got him loaded before Bonnie got there.......but it was nice to have help on the way if I would have needed it.

The stallion hauled nicely, no screaming , no drama.....we drove for about an hour and got to the beautiful Jones Farm around 11am. He unloaded very screaming, no misbehavior and walked right into his stall like a pro. We are very, very proud of him.

Monday, the gelding will be done and his teeth also. I am sure he will be sorry he got in the trailer come Monday afternoon. Tuesday morning he will have a regimen of exercise to prevent swelling in the surgical area. He will be rinsed with cool water and walked. They will take very good care of him.

We drove home, stopped at Stroh’s, got a couple of items , then drove back to the farm, unhooked the horse trailer, checked waters........sighed.....time for a nap? I have chores at home but will go back to the barn for pm feeding around 6pm.

gorgeous day......

He has come very far in just a week.

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