Saturday, January 8, 2011

Saturday Grace

Lots to do today.....not enough we spread people out. Rebecca came early and cleaned/fed......then I came and scrubbed water tanks, spread some shavings in Beaver's stall, moved Winston's mats back to a normal position, fed chickens......then hooked the trailer up and we went and got Grace. Brenda stayed to meet the shoer and Ryan made phone calls for me....we took Susy along for the ride. Susy is recovering from surgery so she is on very light duty.

It turns out that our dear Grace has become somewhat of a spoiled little brat...doesn't want to be lead or held.....I was met with a swift head butt when I tried to lead her to the trailer. We had a discussion and she came to her senses. She loaded nicely and trailered nicely.......She is blanketed and in the barn tonight.....sort of back to her dear self. The boys were glad to see her and she was sort of glad to see them.

Ryan ran some errands for us and I scrubbed stall mats for the afternoon. Sarah came and got Jones to take to Cutter Creek. He will have a spa day tomorrow and get an evaluation under saddle by three event riders. We are keeping our fingers crossed that someone will like him. He is a beautiful boy.......loads and hauls nicely too.

The forecast calls for snow this week. Yikes! I am not ready for snow....not ready for more freezing temperatures. I need to order more hay. I feel a little nervous not having the barn FULL of hay.

We have some stall work to complete tomorrow.......a halfway in the pony stall, for a wind break......and some work on the old RV. The chore list never stops...really.

Pony UP fortune for tomorrow:

Your deceitful behavior is not necessary.........tell the truth and everyone wins.

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