Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sequel Saturday

Up early.......can't find my glasses......turns out glasses had an "accident"......which means trouble for me. I am blind as a bat. Normally I wear contact lenses. Contact lenses are ordered.......but late...which means I am relagated to wearing GLASSES. Except, this morning, my glasses are broken.
I cannot drive, cannot read.....cannot hardly get dressed. Problem. Scotch tape....duct tape. I have to go feed, run errands....I can't sit around and wait for glasses that work. Why don't I have a spare pair? Good question.
Anyway, off to the barn with glasses and tape. I hope there are no photographers waiting.
Nope..only horses and chickens and a barn cat or two.
It is raining.......of course it is raining. But at least it is fifty some degrees...I clean paddocks with no jacket.
I forgot my coffee at the house and hope to make some at the barn, but I forgot to buy said I am out of luck.
Rebecca show up, Ryan shows up,Mary shows up...and Aspen shows up.......and we clean paddocks, stalls, water tubs, scrub and scrape floor of barn, clean buckets....hang up wet blankets.....and the build a half wall in the pony shed , so that Beaver has a wind break. Aspen cleaned the chicken house and scrubbed stall doors...filled waters.
We soak Grace's foot, as she has an abcess in the hair line. She is really not in favor of it, but she allows it as best she can.
We do some electrical work. The outdoor receptacle is not working,the GFI burned
Ryan and I go to Lowes to get stall pellets......on sale for well as a new GFCI receptacle and some staples. We come back to replace said receptacle and meet the bodyworker who has volunteered to work on Grace....Vanessa.
Grace is body sore and off in her hips...she walks with a couple of limps and is not all that stable. We appreciate the help and Grace is pretty patient while the work is done. We agree that Grace has some issues in the hips/pelvis region.....some severe issues...but Vanessa does her best and Grace seems to like it. We thank you Vanessa!
Ryan and I put up a new shelf to help better organize our stuff....shampoos, fly sprays, medicines, supplements......all shelved now. Big improvement.
Our new friend Mary shows up and brings Grace a fits perfectly and is a beautiful red color.....Grace looks lovely. Thank you to Mary and Lucy for thinking of us.

Susy....we missed you today and hope you are feeling okay? Susy is about the nicest person on earth.......we love her.

Thank you to Sarah for the help with Bonnie. As you know, Bonnie was humanely euthanised yesterday and Sarah was there for her. We hope she is running free with a large flock!

We continue to plan for next spring and summer.....concrete floors in the barn, a new pony stall complex, sand in the arena.....better drainage.....the list never only grows. We are fortunate in what we have accomplished.....due to a host of volunteers and supporters. We want this to be a good place for a horse to come to....and so we strive to improve what we have. We dream big.

Pony Up fortune for tomorrow:

Imagine it times ten.

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