Saturday, January 29, 2011


Rain, of course it rained and we did stand in the barn for a while and talk.....I got so cold I had to go in the tack room and turn the heat on.....full blast.
We cleaned, folded some blankets, Susy vacuumed cobwebs......we drank coffee and talked about spring projects like it was just around the corner.

We will be picking up a mare tomorrow.....heavily pregnant and injured....
I must be out of my mind. One turns into two.......and a baby is a three year committment......and they aren't even TBs......Paints.......Paints...I have never had a paint and now I will have two. Deep know sometimes I pray for courage......I pray for strength and I pray for adoptive I pray for all three as I dive face first into taking on this project. Don't get me wrong....I love all horses and all horses deserve a chance, especially a pregnant mare who is sick.
We have a foaling stall available to us. There are enough of us to socialize a baby properly......but a baby is a lot of committment, a lot of time.....a lot of effort......oh, but you have to love that wobbly kneed little package at first glance before he turns into a large brat. My luck will bring a stud colt...I just know it.

Anyway, we could use some help. If you want to donate or heck..if you want to adopt......please call us, email us..stop by......we would love some help.

I may be certifiable by now.....crazy.

Just a day in our lives. Everything eventually calms down......gets to normal...and we will survive.

Pony Up fortune for tomorrow:

Do not look a gift horse in the face.

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