Sunday, April 4, 2010

So so Sunday

Another week has gone by......another day with rain and some wind. I didn't get much done besides one new nest box for the hens.........oh and I did find the broody banty and her nest of 8 eggs. She has been hidden for two weeks and I didn't have the heart to boot her off the nest. I put two of another chicken's eggs under her because she usually only hatches one or none at all...I am not sure she will have a chick.....or two. She works so hard at hatching is sad when none of them hatch. Last year she sat twice with zero chicks produced. She is getting old so maybe this is her last hurrah...anyway, she has two "good" eggs under her now.

We moved the horses around on Saturday, so that Breeze can have some stall rest for her leg.......Promise is not happy. She is back to paddock walking and running her teeth along the edge of the gate. She really is a horse who needs a buddy all the is her security blanket. We have no one else for her to buddy up with right now.

We also moved Mercy to the outside loafing shed and she has made friends with Tarbaby who shares his hay with her and stands with her in the rain or wind....even though he has his own stall.
We soaked Tarbaby's foot twice on Saturday and once this morning. I am sure he has an abcess.....swollen ankle and ouchy foot. Probably has a gravel......and it will have to work it's way out.

Beaver and Sully groomed each other in the "twenty" minutes of sun that we had today......over the fence.........all they have is each other, so I guess any port in a storm and they can go back to hating each other later but right now there is grooming to be done.

We will make arrangements for Sully to go back to The Jones Farm in the next week or so... to get to the bottom of his canter issue.

The weekend was too lousy to work on the fencing project of the arena.........but hopefully next weekend we will have some decent weather or else we will give up the notion of working in good weather and just get it done anyway.

It is raining ones, young ones, ones off the track, some event trained.......some retired.... but no room at the inn currently. I always have an eye for Tb's......bay......short backed, tall, is in the eye of the beholder .......come and see my own horses sometime.........they look like they were cookie cut outs of each other. There has never been a better color of horse than bay........NEVER. IMHO.

We are looking for an RV still........have our eye on a couple.......and will buy something at the beginning of next month. This will be housing for a hired will help us and we can help a person who needs a place to live. A win win situation.......

Easter morning and I worked by myself........fed, cleaned, watered and fed chickens and barn cats. I have been wondering why the cat food is going so fast and low and behold this morning, I found out why.........we have two extra cats....okay.....they are NOT our cats, but they are eating OUR cat food in OUR cat room..........a black one and a gray one who has a half of a tail. Who knew? I don't mind if they eat......I would rather feed them than raccoons or possums. I need one of those hidden camera's to see what comes in the barn at night. comes a new week........still lots of work to be done.........and yep, I will say it again, we need gravel and this year I think we will put some sand in too........oh and sand reminds me that we will need sand for the arena.........LOTS of sand....think Sahara.....yes, now you have it.
I wonder how we will get everything done and then I think about all we have done and accomplished.....lots of good things have come our way.........we are thankful and always hopeful.
The farm is coming along.......sometimes by leaps and bounds, sometimes by inches.....but always a progression.

thanks for your support and friendship!

Pony Up Fortune for tomorrow:

Exercise integrity and put the brakes on ego.

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