Friday, May 21, 2010

Feature Friday

The sun was out this morning, teasing us......I worked without a jacket for a while........Mary cleaned paddocks and we talked and it seemed that maybe the day would be nice.........I did some tractor work and general clean up.
Dr. Mike was here today to see Grace and gave her a complaining from Grace.....and then later the shoer showed up and Grace got shoes on both front feet. We hope it can make her more comfortable and give her less pain. She was a gem, as usual to work with. Thank you to Jim W. and to Dr. Mike for helping us help are both very generous to an old horse.
Grace is blanketed in a a HUGE blanket that we have tried to make smaller........the temperatures have dipped again and we don't want her to be cold. She felt well enough today to KICK at Beaver........Beaver was trying to steal hay from her by leaning under the fence as only a pony can do. You go girl!.....
The day ended up dark and was pouring by the time I was ready to leave. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. I went and bought plants for some of my mom's pots and some of her garden beds.......I am planting them tomorrow........something to lift her spirits...she loves flowers and gardening.......but it will be a while until she is up to maybe I can make her garden come alive........the least I can do.
thanks again to Mary for help today......and thanks to your little boy for his gift.

Today I got a phone call from a boarding stable......another abandoned horse......paint gelding....
anyone looking?

Almost the end of the month....almost June.......paddocks should be dry.....flies will be out.......pastures will need picking... we still need railroad ties .......more dirt........more gravel.........Max needs his hocks injected........Tarbaby needs hoof supplement........Promise needs time under saddle...........Sully will be coming home soon. We are full, as usual......

I am grateful for the support we get ..........volunteers, equine professionals, hay resellers......we couldn't do this without you........Thank you.

Pony Up fortune for tomorrow...........

Rise and Shine.......the best part of your day will be noon..........are you ready?

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