Saturday, May 1, 2010

So long Saturday

A day of not too bad weather........and not too good weather. On and off with my coat.....the sun came out, the sun went, the wind came, the wind went...but it didn't rain. It is late and I am finally sitting down, listening to my frog chorus and the stillness of the house.

We worked anyway today.......we don't have the luxury of waiting for warm weather.......
cleaned paddocks, put the barn sink in, landscaped and added dirt up by the wash rack cement pad.......planted some plants that the chickens won't eat........poured some cement on some corner posts, cut some fence posts off to a more appropriate level........soaked Tarbaby's feet....bridled and saddled Promise..........chased hay delivered........chased Beaver some more..........long day.

We had a donkey vistor today........little Hannah.......nine months old and looks like a stuffed animal......furry and soft......of course big ears.......very polite.....she came walking up our driveway with Shelly, her owner ....Shelly volunteers with us and lives nearby with Hannah. We loved her! The horses were on high alert and I don't think they ever have seen a donkey before.......they were snorting and blowing while Hannah was looking at them to be her friend.
Come again Hannah......!

We got a lot of hay today......nice and green..........very heavy bales..........too heavy for me. I hate to say that because I have bucked hay with the best of them, but I am not the buff Amazon I once was......and I have vowed to take better care with lifting. Go figure....ummm........three hernia operations later, I have taken good advice........well, most of the time.

I give a big hand to Ryan who has helped me for the last couple of days.......and I have drug him from Fred Meyers to Lowes to Dairy Queen to Starbucks.......and he hasn't complained once.
He is a huge help......Thank you Ryan.

Yesterday Mercy was humanely euthanized. I don't want to talk about it for a while. It was hard and I feel like Judas......... Run free Mercy and stick with the rest of my heavenly herd.

Pony Up fortune for tomorrow:

Sunday will bring a visitor with news.

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