Wednesday, October 20, 2010's Wednesday...

The week is flying by, as it always does.
Cold and clear in the morning and leads to a sunny clear rain. I love this type of weather. It is supposed to rain later this week. I just have time to go and get the newly cleaned horse blankets at Strohs before the torrential downpours begin.

One of my chickens got better and is back with the flock. Bonnie still struggles to get well. I get her out each morning and help her stretch her wings, feed her and let her drink.....then she sits on the hay while I feed. She clucks to me and makes little noises. As I walk by her, I stand her up so she can stretch her legs. Now I am a chicken physical therapist. Good grief.

The new barn is still awesome and we love clean and roomy and SPACIOUS! Max, Ollie, Blue and Lizzie are loving the pastures during the day and the nice big stalls at night. I have been looking at Lizzie and hoping she is not pregnant. She has a belly......I was told she did not take this year and yet...umm.....stranger things have happened. I have not seen her in heat.....even with these big handsome boys next door. She really does not have much interest in them. Hmmm. Worth checking I suppose. Brenda promises a beauty treatment for her this next week....her mane is long and her tail needs banging.

We have someone coming to look at Wally on Saturday and we hope it can be a new family for him! Keep your fingers crossed for him. He really is a lovely pony....flaxen mane and tail...liver chestnut with snowflake spots.

I had the night off from the main barn tonight...thank you are a Godsend....can we adopt you?! I walked my dog, did some home very nice to have an evening off.

Stories during the week which would break your heart and bend your mind. Things you and I will never understand or isn't just horses.....dogs too..cats.... I cannot write of it tonight....I need to get away from it. It makes me a jaded cynical mess some days.

On Saturday we will be at the Purdy Cenex for Customer Appreciation Days.......come see us and visit a while. We will finish our morning chores and be there around 11. It promises to be a great event. Cenex is always good to us!

We are starting to plan our for the announcement next week! If you have something you want to donate for us to auction...send me an email.......if you want to attend.......send me an email. We are interested in items that can be auctioned like lessons, articles of tack, garden items, tools, packages, does not have to be horse related!

Pony UP fortune for tomorrow:

The the opportunity as soon as it is offered....

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