Wednesday, October 27, 2010's Wednesday already

Hardly any time this write or even sit down. Tonight is my night off from the barn......but I went there anyway, because we were out of stall pellets and I expect it to rain again tomorrow. Tarbaby's feet have to be kept dry, at least as dry as we can keep them. The weather was cool today but the sun came out and it was a welcome break. If you don't live have no idea about the kind of rain we had the last few days. The wind was big too......and we lost so many of the maple leaves from the was hard to even see the pavement on the road. The trees are simply breathtaking with all of the color...really lovely.

Our horses faired okay through the rain and I shudder to think about the horses who are just starting to suffer from the effects of folks not taking care of them. Right here on our own street......two black shelter, no blankets.....sporadic water. It is going to be a long winter. Sometimes these things, they end right up in your lap.

I am thankful for my volunteers and all the work they do for the love of the horses.
It would be impossible to do this all myself and I am fortunate to be surrounded by people with big hearts. We love the horses as our own, don't we?

Still working on the fundraiser....and it may have to be the first week in December now......not enough time to get everything done and we are having a hard time finding a place...details, details.

Time to go and finish a few home type chores before I go to bed and start all over again.

Halloween this much fun!

Pony Up fortune for tomorrow:

You cannot find what you seek where you seek it.......change your direction.

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