Long day.......ending with the donkeys getting their little hooves trimmed, as well as Cooper and Church. The donkeys were so very well behaved as was Cooper. The donkeys were content to stand still as long as they were being scratched on the neck......Cooper was unconcerned with the shoer, but very concerned with chewing the lead rope and trying to get the zipper on my coat....a regular ham! I think Cooper must be a young horse.......he is so coltish...did I tell you how much we liked him? We like the donkeys too....they are just no trouble at all.
Tomorrow, we work on finishing the new loafing shed, order some hay, clean up paddocks/stalls......groom horses, bang tails, plan the new building.....drink coffee and probably complain about the weather.
One of our hens is sitting on eggs.....she is a first time "setter" and she doesn't quite get the hang of it....she sits on the eggs for most of the day, but then will leave them for a couple of hours....long enough for them to get cold....then she comes back and sits on them again. I think tomorrow, she is going to get some chicks under her after dark.....if you know what I mean....the same thing we did last year...it works wonders. The hens are always so surprised, like "wow" that was fast, wasn't it?" It makes it easier on all of us. Maybe next time she will really get the hang of it.
I got a good look at our pony down the street during daylight today.......she now appears well fed, full fleshed and looks nothing like the skeleton she was at this time last year. One of the things that makes it all worth while....a horse who looks and feels better because of us.
Lizzie's training is coming along.....she is under saddle and being a well behaved mare........no buck, no bite....pretty quiet....she should be home in two to three weeks and ready to be adopted.
Enjoy your weekend.
Pony Up fortune for tomorrow:
Cold hands, warm heart.
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