I am in the kill pen awaiting my fate.
I was left here by my owner....they didn't leave me with anything, not even my name. No kisses goodbye, no note to tell any prospective owner what a good boy I am or how old I am or how I like carrots.
I am in a smelly, dirty paddock with other horses and we are all scared.
The slaughter bus comes next week for those of us who do not have homes by then. I hope I won't be one of them. I am still young and in my prime.
Pony Up has offered to take me in, but my bail needs to be paid or I can't come.
If you want to help, please make a donation to Pony Up and note it as bail for me.
A few dollars will help me. No one wants your children to go without or for your mortgage to be short......but if you have a couple of dollars....it will help me and if my bail is made, it might help my friends. Some of my friends are old and some are injured. We all want out.
If you can adopt one of my friends.........leave a message here and we can direct you.
You can paypal funds to Rosemary@ponyuprescue.com
thank you. I need a name too.......
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