We have some items for auction to highest bidder, please leave a comment with your bid.
1. Parelli bridle, maybe tried on....but hardly used, looks brand new.
2. Parelli pad, looks brand new
3. Parelli hackamore, looks brand new
4. dressage saddle zip up saddle/carrier cover, green with black fur on the inside (fake fur of course!)
We are trying to raise bail for a gelding in the kill pen. Lots of horses ended up in the kill pen this month.....
Donations may be paypal'd to Rosemary@ponyuprescue.com
High bidder will have Parelli item ups'd to them.
Remember.....leave your bid and your first name in the comment section. Bidding ends on Friday morning of this week.
Good luck!
I will bid $50 on the Parelli bridle!
Jennifer - I will bid $100 on the bareback pad.
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