Saturday morning..drizzly and gray. I am tired this morning, drag my feet, drink coffee, feed dogs.....get into the shower. My bronchitis is back. Stress, cold weather, allergies.....cough, hack, sneeze......enough already.
I drive to the barn, all is very quiet. I expect to see Grace doing her slow amble towards the barn..but I don't and my heart sinks a little, my eyes well up and I swallow hard. All I need is a sign from somewhere...just a little something....but it doesn't come and I carry on.
No one else has arrived yet. I let the chickens out, feed hay, mix grain......let the cat out, feed the cat.....throw chicken food and then start cleaning. I am still feeling the sting and trying to think of other things, so I start making a list of what needs to be done and then Aspen arrives. Aspen is a youngster, full of questions and I hope she will not ask about what happened with Grace. I sent her parents an email and I hope that will answer her questions..but I steel myself anyway. I keep her busy. She is our chicken house cleaner, egg gatherer, cat food dish washer and she loves to groom Beaver. She never asks......and I don't talk about it. I introduce her to Dolly and talk about the foal...then Susy arrives and I send Aspen to work with her on grooming the devil himself. I soak Dolly's foot and clean her wound....then I spend a long time with her, braiding her mane and feeling like a kid again as I lose my thoughts in her mane.
One of our friends came yesterday afternoon and we assessed Lizzie under saddle. We are delighted to see that she accepts saddle and bridle without a fuss, then Kari gets on her, I hold my nervous breath......and Kari askes her to go forward....well, she doesn't have good steering or forward controls but she was really sensible and did not freak out. Very green broke.....but ready to start. That is a reliet. She is a nice big bodied mare, very lovely disposition and good conformation. Won't take much to get her going.
I have posted pictures of Dolly. Dolly is available for adoption to a good home. She is pregnant and due in late May or early June. Please NO first time horse owners. You must have proper facilities and references. Dolly may never be rideable. She is sweet to handle, picks her feet up nicely, easy to lead and work around in the stall. The foal will be purebred and registerable. If you are interested in young paint foals, we are helping to place some. Good quality stock, all registered or registerable...Color Me Smart and Scribbles bloodlines. Email us if we can hook you up?
We have two vistors at Pony Up. Waylon and Willy. Also available for adoption.
Both intact males, need gelding contract. They are wormy and underweight...bad feet......but we dewormed them first thing, the farrier will be out and they are eating as we speak. They love treats...a little shy......but sweet.
Pony Up fortune for tomorrow:
Run like the wind and gather the storm.
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