Thanks to our friends and supporters......Pony Up has saved a plain brown gelding from the kill pen.
He is said to be friendly and a big boy.....and of course he is bay. I always love a bay horse, of course.
The gelding with the blaze was purchased outright this morning by a private party. He had been our first choice..but the plan is to try and get all horses out of the kill pen, so we took our second choice......the plain brown gelding who was in with the blazed gelding. We don't have any history, but then we usually don't get much history.......so it is kind of like a Christmas package......you don't know what you have until you have it in your hands. No worries about being plain brown.,,,it doesn't make him good or bad....his coat will shine anyway.
We will pick the gelding up on Friday and bring him home to quarantine.....let him chill out a little, rest and then see what he knows....if he is sound and how he moves. He undoubtedly needs his teeth done, we know he needs his feet trimmed......and he needs to be assessed under saddle.
He needs a name........and we are taking suggestions....please feel free to drop a name in the hat.
The donkeys are happy......they are getting so much attention. I think we are fighting over who gets to feed them and groom them. They are mannerly little guys and have caught on to begging for treats like fire takes to straw. They do not bite or kick, but they sort of stick to you like a wad of chewing gum. The horses have gotten over their initial "what the hell is that?" and are just giving them casual looks now, like when they bray. Beaver of course, has general disdain for them...nothing new.
Today was beautiful......blue skies......sun......and tonight it is freezing...hopefully that means that we will have another good day tomorrow.
Lots to do on Saturday....we will tear the pony shed down and put up another shed for the donkeys. It never stops!
Enjoy your day tomorrow.
Pony Up fortune for tomorrow:
Make that call......someone is waiting.
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