uuuuuuuuummmmm....still raining this morning. I slept in a little, got up, let dogs out, had coffee and toast, showered and then left for the barn.
Turn the radio on and listen to Michael Bolton sing "When a Man loves a Woman"....then get to work feeding the prisoners. TarBaby did not clean up all of his hay and he has wasted a bunch...........I hate to throw out hay....such a precious commodity....oh well, it happens.
Ryan shows up and we finish the hay, then grain everyone......then get to cleaning while listening to the radio.
Kim and Matt come and they start to work on the top rails of the fencing............while I.......I leave to go to the Humane Society and pick up a mare.
A mare.
I always try to have geldings at the farm.........mares = drama.........mares plus geldings = more drama. Especially with studly geldings.
But this mare has no where to go.........no where good anyway. She has been starved by her owner. Her feet were long, cracked and infected. She has rain rot along her spine. She had lice. Her owner had so many days to come up with a plan, pay a fine...........but opted not to. Off the hook he is.
The Humane Society had her feet trimmed and had her examined by a vet..........gave her psyllium to help with the sand in her gut........
The first time I saw her, she was depressed, grumpy........ears back when I approached.. warning me that she had had enough of humans...I approached her anyway.....I gently touched her shoulder and she gave me her teeth.......smack ....hard against my arm and then stamped her hind leg............warning me. I gave her a pat anyway and asked her to pick up her foot.....her ears pinned and head swung.........I said enough......stood by her shoulder and asked for her foot again.......she gave it to me but would not look at me....she stood head down, expecting the worst from me, a human. I put her hoof down and gently patted her neck....then stepped away. She looked after me ...like gee, you're leaving me alone now? I walked out and through the gate.......she turned to look again....and then I left the pasture area.
Okay we will take her.
So here it is today and time to go and get her.........I hook the trailer up in the rain and go out to the Humane Society. The attendant helps me with gates and we go to the mare. She looks much brighter eyed today. I ask the attendant if he has experience loading horses......he says 'ummm.......NO>NO I don't." I say, "okay, well you will learn today>". We halter the mare who seems oh so much friendlier today. He says, "this mare bites....she bites hard." I say, "I know>"...he says, "you lead her, okay?". I say yes. I tell him to station himself at the trailer window and that after I load her, I want him to hold the rope and keep her facing him. "okay, he says." Up to to trailer we come and the mare walks right along, no biting.......no fuss. We get to the trailer and she loads.......I should say she JUMPS right in. I hand the rope to the attendant and shut the divider.......then come out and shut the trailer door. I tie the mare and say...okay, we are done. He is visibly relieved. I think he thought there would be some sort of cowboy drama wrangling scene. LOL.
We drive on home, she is quiet the whole way. I bring her out and the boys go wild.........screaming, calling and oh of course, the mare is in HEAT. Drama...I told you....drama.
We put her in a paddock, give her hay, fresh water.........she is quiet for the most part, a little squealing.......
We have named her Sophie.
Sophie is safe tonight.
We are FULL........a few adoptions on the horizon........some foster situations........so we will only be beyond full for a few days.........thank goodness.
We worked around the farm the rest of the day..........fixing this, cleaning that.......buying grain......sweeping floors.......
and tomorrow we will do the same thing again.
A day in the life.
Pony Up fortune for tomorrow:
You give, you take, you give back.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Friday morning
Still raining....back to the land of sog.
Lots to do today.....cleaning, buy grain and stall pellets, Humane Society and then off to see my boy Winston. Winston is coming along wonderfully.......he looks like a real dressage horse. I am pleased with the trainer......no gimmicks, no cruelty.......lot's of patience and reward, a beautiful clean facility. Somedays I wish I lived there.
I slept in, I needed it ..I have been running on empty all week because as usual there is still a lot to do. Stalls must be stripped today. I got most of them done last night but ran out of daylight with the loafing sheds.
Yesterday, my mother reports.....a very large bald eagle was walking (yes, walking) around the yard, attempting to snatch a chicken. She yelled at him and he flew off.......without a chicken.
This is like a chicken survivor show.......if it isn't the chicken hawk, or a wiley coyote....it is the bald eagle. Poor chickens. My chickens are free range, they have a coop but no fenced yard. They help keep the manure piles turned over, take care of bugs and lay the occasional egg......alhtough I might have to hunt for it.
I want to extend a very large Thank you to Sandy M. for her generous donation. We can't do this without folks like you and we appreciate you thinking of us.
I finished our grant application. It is intended to help us pay for replacement of the arena fencing. This is the first time we have done this, so we are hopeful!
TarBaby ripped his blanket to shreds yesterday. I didn't see it with my own eyes and I suspect that there might have been some pony involvement. TarBaby is easy on his blankets.....so it seems odd. The ripping was all done on the back end. HMMMM?
I better get running, the prisoners will be planning an escape because I am late.
Enjoy your weekend!
Pony Up fortune for today:
If not you, then who?
Lots to do today.....cleaning, buy grain and stall pellets, Humane Society and then off to see my boy Winston. Winston is coming along wonderfully.......he looks like a real dressage horse. I am pleased with the trainer......no gimmicks, no cruelty.......lot's of patience and reward, a beautiful clean facility. Somedays I wish I lived there.
I slept in, I needed it ..I have been running on empty all week because as usual there is still a lot to do. Stalls must be stripped today. I got most of them done last night but ran out of daylight with the loafing sheds.
Yesterday, my mother reports.....a very large bald eagle was walking (yes, walking) around the yard, attempting to snatch a chicken. She yelled at him and he flew off.......without a chicken.
This is like a chicken survivor show.......if it isn't the chicken hawk, or a wiley coyote....it is the bald eagle. Poor chickens. My chickens are free range, they have a coop but no fenced yard. They help keep the manure piles turned over, take care of bugs and lay the occasional egg......alhtough I might have to hunt for it.
I want to extend a very large Thank you to Sandy M. for her generous donation. We can't do this without folks like you and we appreciate you thinking of us.
I finished our grant application. It is intended to help us pay for replacement of the arena fencing. This is the first time we have done this, so we are hopeful!
TarBaby ripped his blanket to shreds yesterday. I didn't see it with my own eyes and I suspect that there might have been some pony involvement. TarBaby is easy on his blankets.....so it seems odd. The ripping was all done on the back end. HMMMM?
I better get running, the prisoners will be planning an escape because I am late.
Enjoy your weekend!
Pony Up fortune for today:
If not you, then who?
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Aways to go Wednesday
You hear things that strike you in the news.
they stay with you.
they disturb you.
they haunt you.
Generally these things are child and animal abuse... at least with me...
I think of the loss of a victim's soul to unspeakable acts..........attrocities.......the perpetrator takes it from the victim and the perpetrator lost his to God only knows.
I read these things and sometimes weep that anything would have to endure such suffering at the hands of another.
You look at pictures of children and animals who are suffering abuse and the light is gone from their eyes........it has been extinquished......lost when the suffering became too much.....the pain too severe........the hunger too intolerable.
and yet it goes on.......it continues.
I read this morning of such a case and I will not repeat the details because it is so disturbing......
but it only makes me feel more like SPEAKING out.........YELLING at the top of my lungs........
There have got to be stiffer penalties for unspeakable behavior.........those of us who are compassionate, educated, rational, loving human beings have to speak for those who cannot.
Punish within the full extent of the law.......make the penalty fit the crime. Life is precious.........our children, your children, their children are precious. If someone murders and rapes a child..........Death penalty. .....goodbye, we don't want you or need you......In my book there is nothing more unspeakable, never a soul more unsalvagable. People who abuse animals most often abuse children..........animals should be protected too.......if you starve an animal you should NEVER have another. NEVER. Starvation is not an unfortunate accident........someone who scalds a child or dog should have jail time and mental health evaluations the rest of their life.........no time off for good behavior.,...never allowed to have children again or animals........give them a scarlet letter for life.
Let me be the judge for a while.
Anyway, I am ranting.......but I think it is important for all of us to speak up, write letters, make petitions and let our voices be heard when we disagree with "how something is". When you read about something that shakes you to the very core........act on it. Write a letter to the sentencing judge. If the law doesn't allow adequate punishment, speak up........let's change it. One person can make a difference by lending their voice, their written words, ....their perseverance. Only "we" can change it. Take notice in your county, your state about what is going on.........voice your opinion to the court, to the authorities.........be professional, be polite, state your facts and your opinion.......and VOTE.
Rain again this morning........cooler temperatures.........I want some more of that sun we had.
I heard someone say the weekend should be nice.........I will cross my fingers on both hands.
I changed Tarbaby into a new paddock this morning. He was fighting with his (neigh)bor........Churchie. Churchie is a big Holsteiner and has a long reach, while TarBaby is much smaller and does not have a long reach.
The barn cat was missing tonight. I called and called.......it was dark and we had a little wind....I took the flashlight out.........no luck. Then I heard a faint mew....so I called somemore. i was beginning to think I was hearing things........it was not a very good meow.........I walked around......shone the flashlight hoping to catch the eyes of the kitty. Nothing. Nada. It must be that peacock....so I started back to the barn..........and heard it again. ...sort of behind me.
I turned around and shone the light up to the house.........and there on the roof was the cat. ...she was very wet and hoarse. hmmm. ...back to the barn for the ladder....back to the house for the cat. Up on the roof, grab the cat...........she is not having it........so I put her inside my coat...hold my coat really tight against me and climb down. I deposit her in the cat room with her sister and give her some wet food and a stern warning.
all in a day..
Pony Up fortune for tomorrow:
A busy mind sometimes forgets all the details.
they stay with you.
they disturb you.
they haunt you.
Generally these things are child and animal abuse... at least with me...
I think of the loss of a victim's soul to unspeakable acts..........attrocities.......the perpetrator takes it from the victim and the perpetrator lost his to God only knows.
I read these things and sometimes weep that anything would have to endure such suffering at the hands of another.
You look at pictures of children and animals who are suffering abuse and the light is gone from their eyes........it has been extinquished......lost when the suffering became too much.....the pain too severe........the hunger too intolerable.
and yet it goes on.......it continues.
I read this morning of such a case and I will not repeat the details because it is so disturbing......
but it only makes me feel more like SPEAKING out.........YELLING at the top of my lungs........
There have got to be stiffer penalties for unspeakable behavior.........those of us who are compassionate, educated, rational, loving human beings have to speak for those who cannot.
Punish within the full extent of the law.......make the penalty fit the crime. Life is precious.........our children, your children, their children are precious. If someone murders and rapes a child..........Death penalty. .....goodbye, we don't want you or need you......In my book there is nothing more unspeakable, never a soul more unsalvagable. People who abuse animals most often abuse children..........animals should be protected too.......if you starve an animal you should NEVER have another. NEVER. Starvation is not an unfortunate accident........someone who scalds a child or dog should have jail time and mental health evaluations the rest of their life.........no time off for good behavior.,...never allowed to have children again or animals........give them a scarlet letter for life.
Let me be the judge for a while.
Anyway, I am ranting.......but I think it is important for all of us to speak up, write letters, make petitions and let our voices be heard when we disagree with "how something is". When you read about something that shakes you to the very core........act on it. Write a letter to the sentencing judge. If the law doesn't allow adequate punishment, speak up........let's change it. One person can make a difference by lending their voice, their written words, ....their perseverance. Only "we" can change it. Take notice in your county, your state about what is going on.........voice your opinion to the court, to the authorities.........be professional, be polite, state your facts and your opinion.......and VOTE.
Rain again this morning........cooler temperatures.........I want some more of that sun we had.
I heard someone say the weekend should be nice.........I will cross my fingers on both hands.
I changed Tarbaby into a new paddock this morning. He was fighting with his (neigh)bor........Churchie. Churchie is a big Holsteiner and has a long reach, while TarBaby is much smaller and does not have a long reach.
The barn cat was missing tonight. I called and called.......it was dark and we had a little wind....I took the flashlight out.........no luck. Then I heard a faint mew....so I called somemore. i was beginning to think I was hearing things........it was not a very good meow.........I walked around......shone the flashlight hoping to catch the eyes of the kitty. Nothing. Nada. It must be that peacock....so I started back to the barn..........and heard it again. ...sort of behind me.
I turned around and shone the light up to the house.........and there on the roof was the cat. ...she was very wet and hoarse. hmmm. ...back to the barn for the ladder....back to the house for the cat. Up on the roof, grab the cat...........she is not having it........so I put her inside my coat...hold my coat really tight against me and climb down. I deposit her in the cat room with her sister and give her some wet food and a stern warning.
all in a day..
Pony Up fortune for tomorrow:
A busy mind sometimes forgets all the details.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
move over Monday
So.....umm.......the rain is back and it is 41 degrees......the prisoners are blanketed again and I warmed their grain up tonight. Not that they need the grain warmed in 41 degree weather, but gosh it seems oh so much more appetizing, doesn't it? Imagine eating cold, really cold oatmeal? YUCK.
Yukon's adoption did not go through......through no fault of the adopter nor any fault of Yukon's......we liked her just fine.......but we really think horse and rider should be equally matched and Yukon is a lot of horse.......even at the ripe old age of 23...soon to be 24. ...so he went back to his foster home where he is adored by three women and he resides over 15 acres with two other old geezer horses. I took grain to him tonight and blanketed him.......he was unimpressed with seeing me once he realized I was not feeding dinner. Simply no gratitude on some days.
We have a lot of interest in our filly Breeze and I must have three applications for Vinnie.......the beautiful Vinnie.... yay! We want some adoptions....We have met a lot of nice folks as of late who would make fine adopters. Keep your fingers crossed!
The barn cats are now coming and going freely.........I think their Stockholm Syndrome is turning around. Some of you might have to look that up.....?!
I will order hay again this week........the horses eat a little over a bale and a half a day. TarBaby doesn't eat much but he makes up in beetpulp, rice bran and senior/complete grain. Beaver eats the cheap local grass hay and he hates it....but he eventually eats it. We had to force a diet plan on him........he was getting very fat....not good for ponies.
Are you watching the Olympics? I have watched a little, but I really am more of a summer Olympics person.......although I do like the ski jumping..........wowee, now that takes some guts.
Off to eat dinner..........drink some wine..........relax...........
enjoy your week.
Pony UP fortune for tomorrow
A tall dark stranger has news.
Yukon's adoption did not go through......through no fault of the adopter nor any fault of Yukon's......we liked her just fine.......but we really think horse and rider should be equally matched and Yukon is a lot of horse.......even at the ripe old age of 23...soon to be 24. ...so he went back to his foster home where he is adored by three women and he resides over 15 acres with two other old geezer horses. I took grain to him tonight and blanketed him.......he was unimpressed with seeing me once he realized I was not feeding dinner. Simply no gratitude on some days.
We have a lot of interest in our filly Breeze and I must have three applications for Vinnie.......the beautiful Vinnie.... yay! We want some adoptions....We have met a lot of nice folks as of late who would make fine adopters. Keep your fingers crossed!
The barn cats are now coming and going freely.........I think their Stockholm Syndrome is turning around. Some of you might have to look that up.....?!
I will order hay again this week........the horses eat a little over a bale and a half a day. TarBaby doesn't eat much but he makes up in beetpulp, rice bran and senior/complete grain. Beaver eats the cheap local grass hay and he hates it....but he eventually eats it. We had to force a diet plan on him........he was getting very fat....not good for ponies.
Are you watching the Olympics? I have watched a little, but I really am more of a summer Olympics person.......although I do like the ski jumping..........wowee, now that takes some guts.
Off to eat dinner..........drink some wine..........relax...........
enjoy your week.
Pony UP fortune for tomorrow
A tall dark stranger has news.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Sunny Sunday

Glorious sunny morning.........I get up at 6:45, make coffee, let dogs out, feed dogs and cats.......eat toast, drink coffee.....put contact lenses in and then hit the road. It looks like spring, feels like spring....well, sort of.....I still need a coat...it is ummm..........38 degrees........but it does LOOK like spring. My mind says SPRINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.
I let the chickens out, barn cats out.........feed hay, start cleaning stalls and then the coat is gone. I am in my shirt sleeves........cleaning paddocks...........then the prisoners are grumbling and they want their grain. I serve it up with hot water and then clean some more.....empty garbage.......fill a water bucket or two..........take blankets off. This is the time of year.....blankets on/blankets off.........too cold at night to leave them off, and so the last thing of the day I do is to re-blanket....so much work when you are tired...but I couldn't sleep without knowing they were blanketed. It is so important for the old guys especially.
My hens are laying and I find three eggs........no, not in the nest boxes........but in the stall, on the hay bales and in a corner of the barn. Chicks will be right around the corner if I don't watch these sneaky banty hens.
The peacock thinks it is spring too.........he is fanning his great big peacock tail to impress the hens.......he really thinks he is a chicken. He stays side by side with one of the young hens and hey, maybe she doesn't know the difference?
The horses like the sun and the opportunity to roll in vestiges of mud....Vinny looks like a mud puppy. The filly has a fit when I take Beaver into the barn..........she bucks, she broncs...she kicks...........she has a temper that is for sure....such a girl.
Tarbaby enjoys his big paddock and he runs and bucks........like he is a two year old......then settles down to do some serious talk to the filly along the fenceline.
Ollie and Max enjoy the sun while one stands guard and the other sleeps in the soft dirt of the arena.
An eagle comes calling and the chickens run for cover. It is like a game of survivor for the chickens as of late..........either hawks, or eagles or coyotes...........
We have a visitor today........Betsy and she comes to visit Vinnie........she gives scratches and pats and he is a clown. He loves the attention.
Nice to meet you Betsy.........come back again.
I didn't get an projects done today..........but gosh I was busy all day........and now eating dinner, writing the blog and following up on emails.
enjoy your week.........
Pony UP fortune for tomorrow
Encourage excellence, embrace compassion and show kindness.
I let the chickens out, barn cats out.........feed hay, start cleaning stalls and then the coat is gone. I am in my shirt sleeves........cleaning paddocks...........then the prisoners are grumbling and they want their grain. I serve it up with hot water and then clean some more.....empty garbage.......fill a water bucket or two..........take blankets off. This is the time of year.....blankets on/blankets off.........too cold at night to leave them off, and so the last thing of the day I do is to re-blanket....so much work when you are tired...but I couldn't sleep without knowing they were blanketed. It is so important for the old guys especially.
My hens are laying and I find three eggs........no, not in the nest boxes........but in the stall, on the hay bales and in a corner of the barn. Chicks will be right around the corner if I don't watch these sneaky banty hens.
The peacock thinks it is spring too.........he is fanning his great big peacock tail to impress the hens.......he really thinks he is a chicken. He stays side by side with one of the young hens and hey, maybe she doesn't know the difference?
The horses like the sun and the opportunity to roll in vestiges of mud....Vinny looks like a mud puppy. The filly has a fit when I take Beaver into the barn..........she bucks, she broncs...she kicks...........she has a temper that is for sure....such a girl.
Tarbaby enjoys his big paddock and he runs and bucks........like he is a two year old......then settles down to do some serious talk to the filly along the fenceline.
Ollie and Max enjoy the sun while one stands guard and the other sleeps in the soft dirt of the arena.
An eagle comes calling and the chickens run for cover. It is like a game of survivor for the chickens as of late..........either hawks, or eagles or coyotes...........
We have a visitor today........Betsy and she comes to visit Vinnie........she gives scratches and pats and he is a clown. He loves the attention.
Nice to meet you Betsy.........come back again.
I didn't get an projects done today..........but gosh I was busy all day........and now eating dinner, writing the blog and following up on emails.
enjoy your week.........
Pony UP fortune for tomorrow
Encourage excellence, embrace compassion and show kindness.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Thursday thoughts
The week got away from me. Somedays even I don't know how I get it all done.....heck, somedays I don't know IF I got it all done. I am always busy.
But some things stay the same.......phone calls and email inquiries........can we take an old horse in?
Can we take a three month old filly in?
It drives me crazy.
What the heck were you thinking when you bred your mare?
Three months old and now it is too much work......?
Three months old and now you have to move and can't take the horses?
Have you had an IQ test?
Did you make a plan?
NO..you didn't and now a baby will suffer for it. You heap guilt on me on the phone.......if I don't take her, you will take her to the auction.
She doesn't have a chance.
They slaughter babies too you know.
Especially unregistered garden variety babies with no handling.
I am not the guilty one here....
YOU are.
I work my butt off everyday to provide and care for horses who didn't get a chance due to folks like you. These are living beings folks......not some stuffed furniture......not a bicycle to simply discard.
Here is a news flash for you.........I cannot take in every horse who is no longer wanted....not because I am heartless but because I have a plan..I have a limit........I have a threshhold.......rescues cannot just "solve" your problem when you lay a guilt trip on them. The responsible thing........that is what you should do........put the blood on your own hands where it belongs.
Somedays it is hard to be positive about rescuing horses. You feel overwhelmed....helpless......there are just so many. It never stops. Just when you think you have seen the worst of the worst.....something else comes along that leaves you speechless and empty. Empty......that is how I feel when I see a starved horse. There is no making any sense of it.............
Horses are expensive, for those of you thinking about horse ownership........write a plan, budget, plan again...........the cost of the horse is the cheapest thing about horse ownership.........vet bills can slay you........food bills are continuous, shoeing/hoof trimming is a regular expense, saddles, bridles, supplements, board bills........de-worming, dental work.........
and a foal?
plan on two to three years of raising, training, feeding, vetting.......HANDLING.........let's not forget handling. Ill mannered horses are the first on the slaughter bus. Nobody wants your unhandled large yearling and especially if he is a garden variety back yard bred "just plain" horse who is still intact.
I will toss and turn tonight thinking of ways to help unfortunate horses.....I will have heartache tomorrow about the filly that I cannot save.....and I will feel extreme sadness for the old horse who is turned into the auction yard because he can't keep up anymore. There is only so much I can do.
Somedays it doesn't feel like enough.
Pony Up fortune for tomorrow;
Hold your head high so you can see beyond the crowd.
But some things stay the same.......phone calls and email inquiries........can we take an old horse in?
Can we take a three month old filly in?
It drives me crazy.
What the heck were you thinking when you bred your mare?
Three months old and now it is too much work......?
Three months old and now you have to move and can't take the horses?
Have you had an IQ test?
Did you make a plan?
NO..you didn't and now a baby will suffer for it. You heap guilt on me on the phone.......if I don't take her, you will take her to the auction.
She doesn't have a chance.
They slaughter babies too you know.
Especially unregistered garden variety babies with no handling.
I am not the guilty one here....
YOU are.
I work my butt off everyday to provide and care for horses who didn't get a chance due to folks like you. These are living beings folks......not some stuffed furniture......not a bicycle to simply discard.
Here is a news flash for you.........I cannot take in every horse who is no longer wanted....not because I am heartless but because I have a plan..I have a limit........I have a threshhold.......rescues cannot just "solve" your problem when you lay a guilt trip on them. The responsible thing........that is what you should do........put the blood on your own hands where it belongs.
Somedays it is hard to be positive about rescuing horses. You feel overwhelmed....helpless......there are just so many. It never stops. Just when you think you have seen the worst of the worst.....something else comes along that leaves you speechless and empty. Empty......that is how I feel when I see a starved horse. There is no making any sense of it.............
Horses are expensive, for those of you thinking about horse ownership........write a plan, budget, plan again...........the cost of the horse is the cheapest thing about horse ownership.........vet bills can slay you........food bills are continuous, shoeing/hoof trimming is a regular expense, saddles, bridles, supplements, board bills........de-worming, dental work.........
and a foal?
plan on two to three years of raising, training, feeding, vetting.......HANDLING.........let's not forget handling. Ill mannered horses are the first on the slaughter bus. Nobody wants your unhandled large yearling and especially if he is a garden variety back yard bred "just plain" horse who is still intact.
I will toss and turn tonight thinking of ways to help unfortunate horses.....I will have heartache tomorrow about the filly that I cannot save.....and I will feel extreme sadness for the old horse who is turned into the auction yard because he can't keep up anymore. There is only so much I can do.
Somedays it doesn't feel like enough.
Pony Up fortune for tomorrow;
Hold your head high so you can see beyond the crowd.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Monday and we have a HOLIDAY
I had the day off today.......and although it started out foggy.......the sun finally came out. What a delight! I took all the horses blankets off and everyone had sun naps as well as rolls in the dirt. Ryan came down from Olympia and he and I worked all days on chores........we bathed Beaver's tail and hind legs (he has had an on again/off again diarrhea issue....ewww!)........we put some wood panels on the gate so that Beaver cannot get his head in the gate........we fixed the back side of Ollie and Maxs' loafing shed, we put some new fence posts in, took down the old barn light........I cleaned paddocks........we had a great day! Thanks Ryan for the help.......you are a treasure!
I went to the feed store, got more beet pulp, more rice bran and senior grain......plus some more local grass hay for the Beav. He is on a diet....as we were bathing him today and he was trying to kick us.......yes, really trying to KICK us and bite us.....he was really mad for a while.....the nerve of us trying to bathe him ...and then........I noticed how really fat he is.........not good for such a little pony....so a diet is in order.
We combed Breeze's mane and tail, brushed her back......examined her teeth.......now she has bottom teeth missing......fed her some carrots........she takes little baby bites.........so cute. Her mane is long and needs to be pulled......but no time today.......so she will go with long locks........we did cut her bridle path and trim some of her tail.........she is tall and lean. Everyone else is fat but she is lean.....she is a picky eater.......somedays she eats all her hay and other days not so much.......but she always cleans up her grain.......so I will add more rice bran and a little more beet pulp.
I have a three day work week to look forward to.........yippee! Lots to do this weekend of course and I have family visiting for the weekend. I hope the weather will be nice.....we can finish a fencing project, maybe paint........still so much to do. The arena..........always the arena.....I need sand and I need someone to come and grade it. We want to use the arena a lot this spring and summer.
It was so gorgeous today and so quiet while the horses were napping ....the birds were singing and I watched crows taking twigs and grass to make a nest. I love crows........really, they are so smart and entertaining. I feed them whenever I have an opportunity.
off to feed dogs.......change my clothes......eat some dinner.
Pony Up fortune for tomorrow:
Generosity repays itself.
I went to the feed store, got more beet pulp, more rice bran and senior grain......plus some more local grass hay for the Beav. He is on a diet....as we were bathing him today and he was trying to kick us.......yes, really trying to KICK us and bite us.....he was really mad for a while.....the nerve of us trying to bathe him ...and then........I noticed how really fat he is.........not good for such a little pony....so a diet is in order.
We combed Breeze's mane and tail, brushed her back......examined her teeth.......now she has bottom teeth missing......fed her some carrots........she takes little baby bites.........so cute. Her mane is long and needs to be pulled......but no time today.......so she will go with long locks........we did cut her bridle path and trim some of her tail.........she is tall and lean. Everyone else is fat but she is lean.....she is a picky eater.......somedays she eats all her hay and other days not so much.......but she always cleans up her grain.......so I will add more rice bran and a little more beet pulp.
I have a three day work week to look forward to.........yippee! Lots to do this weekend of course and I have family visiting for the weekend. I hope the weather will be nice.....we can finish a fencing project, maybe paint........still so much to do. The arena..........always the arena.....I need sand and I need someone to come and grade it. We want to use the arena a lot this spring and summer.
It was so gorgeous today and so quiet while the horses were napping ....the birds were singing and I watched crows taking twigs and grass to make a nest. I love crows........really, they are so smart and entertaining. I feed them whenever I have an opportunity.
off to feed dogs.......change my clothes......eat some dinner.
Pony Up fortune for tomorrow:
Generosity repays itself.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
I go to the barn........the SUN is out........it is 52 degrees!~ wah hoo!!!
I decide to de-worm everyone.............great idea. I deworm TarBaby first......no issues.....he takes it like a man. Then Church........umm.......well, he says NO WAY. I get a halter an put it on him......I have a hold of the lead rope.
He runs from the stall.
I cannot catch him.
He throws his butt to me, swings around and runs back into the stall.......
I follow him.........he spins in the stall and runs out.......not caring if he knocks me down or what........I go after him....he spins, he turns, he runs.........I reach for the lead rope.........he runs. ...I have the lead rope............he doesn't care......
back to the stall.
I have the wormer in my mouth....I grab for the lead rope and shove him into a corner. He blasts past me and I drop the wormer.
I grab a chain....which is of no use because I can't CATCH him long enough to hold him still for the chain. I am sweating.
I swear at him. ..something about his legitimacy.
I leave him stand a minute.
I reach for him again.........
I put him into a corner.......
I reach up and pet him.
He looks at me......then raises his head up as far as he can...eyeballing me with with a wild eye...ears forward........yeah....I can tell he is ready to launch himself again.
I say..."it is JUST a de-wormer, I am not killing you>"
I reach for the wormer which is in my back pocket now.......he attempts to run.........I pull his head around......the dewormer is in my hand and I lose a portion of it down my shirt.
I quick as lightening.......reach up and put the syringe into his mouth..........which is wide open.......and then he shakes his head.........I have wormer all over me and he has it all over him........I scrape it off my shirt and wipe it onto the inside of his lips.......he rubs his muzzle against my shoulder.
Did I mention Church is my OWN horse? Mine, with bad manners.......17H of mule like determination when he has a mind?
Good grief.
I am wearing most of the wormer. I have wormer on my chest, my hands, my cheek......and my pants leg.
His muzzle is yellow on one side. He is mad. I am mad.
I am really sweating.
Did I mention how big he is?
all over and he wants to be friends again. Do I have a cookie? NOOOOOOOOOOOO
He will not take a dewormer in his feed. He simply will not eat it. I don't like daily wormers. This is just a battle we go through. Sometimes better than others.......better when I have a helper.......I should have waited.......ahh......impatience.......teaches us a lesson.
Okay...I am done with him.......onto the filly.......no issues..........Vinnie.......well, he likes things to play with so he willingly takes the syringe.......although he is surprised at the taste and tries to spit it out.
Ollie and Max. They both run from me, but consent to haltering and begrudgingly accept the wormer paste.
Beaver........well, he is small and strong.......but he takes his........he does spit a little out......but he got some.
phew.........what a work out.
onto other chores.
I decide to de-worm everyone.............great idea. I deworm TarBaby first......no issues.....he takes it like a man. Then Church........umm.......well, he says NO WAY. I get a halter an put it on him......I have a hold of the lead rope.
He runs from the stall.
I cannot catch him.
He throws his butt to me, swings around and runs back into the stall.......
I follow him.........he spins in the stall and runs out.......not caring if he knocks me down or what........I go after him....he spins, he turns, he runs.........I reach for the lead rope.........he runs. ...I have the lead rope............he doesn't care......
back to the stall.
I have the wormer in my mouth....I grab for the lead rope and shove him into a corner. He blasts past me and I drop the wormer.
I grab a chain....which is of no use because I can't CATCH him long enough to hold him still for the chain. I am sweating.
I swear at him. ..something about his legitimacy.
I leave him stand a minute.
I reach for him again.........
I put him into a corner.......
I reach up and pet him.
He looks at me......then raises his head up as far as he can...eyeballing me with with a wild eye...ears forward........yeah....I can tell he is ready to launch himself again.
I say..."it is JUST a de-wormer, I am not killing you>"
I reach for the wormer which is in my back pocket now.......he attempts to run.........I pull his head around......the dewormer is in my hand and I lose a portion of it down my shirt.
I quick as lightening.......reach up and put the syringe into his mouth..........which is wide open.......and then he shakes his head.........I have wormer all over me and he has it all over him........I scrape it off my shirt and wipe it onto the inside of his lips.......he rubs his muzzle against my shoulder.
Did I mention Church is my OWN horse? Mine, with bad manners.......17H of mule like determination when he has a mind?
Good grief.
I am wearing most of the wormer. I have wormer on my chest, my hands, my cheek......and my pants leg.
His muzzle is yellow on one side. He is mad. I am mad.
I am really sweating.
Did I mention how big he is?
all over and he wants to be friends again. Do I have a cookie? NOOOOOOOOOOOO
He will not take a dewormer in his feed. He simply will not eat it. I don't like daily wormers. This is just a battle we go through. Sometimes better than others.......better when I have a helper.......I should have waited.......ahh......impatience.......teaches us a lesson.
Okay...I am done with him.......onto the filly.......no issues..........Vinnie.......well, he likes things to play with so he willingly takes the syringe.......although he is surprised at the taste and tries to spit it out.
Ollie and Max. They both run from me, but consent to haltering and begrudgingly accept the wormer paste.
Beaver........well, he is small and strong.......but he takes his........he does spit a little out......but he got some.
phew.........what a work out.
onto other chores.
Sunday Morning

I always start the Sunday blog, thinking Sunday Silence. Remember that name? Race horse of course. Quite a looker and such a personality. Won almost 5 million in his lifetime races. He was constantly running against a horse named Easy Goer. I remember watching races and thinking what a cool name he had..........I thought I would name a horse after him someday. (I never have...but there is still time!) After an injury he was sent to Japan (and not this is not one of those stories!).......He was a leading sire in Japan. Sadly laminitis ended his life at 16 years old.
I love race horses. Such heart, such athleticism, such power. I hate the end result for losers in the racing industry. A few are well placed and MANY just disappear.......they are whisked away never to be seen again. Slaughtered through no fault of their own except they were not money makers or not as fast as their cousins
We remember the big names but how many of us remember the bays, the grays, the chestnuts who ran to entertain us on a particular day at a nearby racetrack?
My boy Ollie ran four times and won all four times, but chipped his knee in his last race. He had a kind owner/trainer who took him home, got his knee fixed and then sold him to me. He was just coming five, a Seattle Slew grandson and a strapping 17H beauty. He was gelded and a total clown in a horse suit. ..opinionated and mostly well mannered. He is 18 years old this year and still the apple of my eye. Tom or Jane, if you ever read this........he DID get a good home and I will never part with him. Olympic Charlie......by Synastry. He is the spitting image of Synastry. I always say there he is the most beautiful horse I have ever had......and he is.
anyway, I am late.......off to the farm and the prisoners.
enjoy your day!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Rainfall Friday
Friday, my day off........I slept in until 6:30.......drank coffee,read email......fed dogs........then off to the barn. I can relax today and not worry about getting too dirty. I drive to the barn and it is pouring. I feed hay and then clean stalls and paddocks. The shoer is coming at 9:30 to trim Beaver, Breeze, Vinnie and Church.
The barn is cluttered and the aisleway is dirty. I can't stand it. I sweep, then get the stiff broom , put some water on the matted floor and sweep it again. I put some stuff up into the overhead and throw some stuff out....empty the garbage, move some hay....wipe the counter down. I realize I have lost my coffee somewhere..... I am sweaty... wondering why I don't have a bigger barn........making a mental list of things I need to do, things I need to finish.......gates, fencing.......painting........shelves.....re-side the stalls in the barn...........put more gravel down (yes, I said MORE gravel.......)arena fencing.....sand for arena...........hay storage...........gosh, the list goes on. Spring......come on spring......warm weather will accomodate my needs.
The shoer comes and everyone is good......well Church is lazy and doesn't want to hold his own weight up......he wants the shoer to hold him up...........Beaver bites us.........the filly is an ANGEL........and Vinnie has other things on his mind and he is fidgety and distracted.........
no abcesses and Vinnie's feet look a lot better than when he first came.
I work until noon, then run to the Humane Society to look at a horse.......and I look at the dogs too. So many pitbulls.....such a shame.....and I look at the cats.........gosh, they had a lot of big cats.
I come back.......without a cat, without a dog and without the horse. Gosh........how did I do that?
Tomorrow we will take Yukon to Debbie........a long trip which will take all day. We will wrap his legs and give him a bute. He is an old guy....we want to go easy on him....he is such a trooper.
Pony Up fortune for tomorrow
If your glass is half empty........fill it up......find what saves you.
The barn is cluttered and the aisleway is dirty. I can't stand it. I sweep, then get the stiff broom , put some water on the matted floor and sweep it again. I put some stuff up into the overhead and throw some stuff out....empty the garbage, move some hay....wipe the counter down. I realize I have lost my coffee somewhere..... I am sweaty... wondering why I don't have a bigger barn........making a mental list of things I need to do, things I need to finish.......gates, fencing.......painting........shelves.....re-side the stalls in the barn...........put more gravel down (yes, I said MORE gravel.......)arena fencing.....sand for arena...........hay storage...........gosh, the list goes on. Spring......come on spring......warm weather will accomodate my needs.
The shoer comes and everyone is good......well Church is lazy and doesn't want to hold his own weight up......he wants the shoer to hold him up...........Beaver bites us.........the filly is an ANGEL........and Vinnie has other things on his mind and he is fidgety and distracted.........
no abcesses and Vinnie's feet look a lot better than when he first came.
I work until noon, then run to the Humane Society to look at a horse.......and I look at the dogs too. So many pitbulls.....such a shame.....and I look at the cats.........gosh, they had a lot of big cats.
I come back.......without a cat, without a dog and without the horse. Gosh........how did I do that?
Tomorrow we will take Yukon to Debbie........a long trip which will take all day. We will wrap his legs and give him a bute. He is an old guy....we want to go easy on him....he is such a trooper.
Pony Up fortune for tomorrow
If your glass is half empty........fill it up......find what saves you.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Still Thursday
So I go to the barn this morning.......jump out, turn the lights on...open the cat room, reach for a can of food, start lifting the lid off of it and GLOP.......I get cat food juice right in the eye....ugh........so you can't just reach up and scrape it off because then you take all your eye makeup off with it.......and I do have to go to work........I push off the temptation to rub it off and walk into the barn , grab a paper towel and gently dab it off. Gross. That nasty old cat food smells.
Okay so time to feed everyone without getting grossly dirty, because as I said I go to my "real" job next.
I give hay to everyone, Church of course has to grab it from me and I get hay all down the front of my shirt. Nice.... it can go with the cat food eyeliner.
Next is grain. I give TarBaby his first because he is the oldest.....then move on to Yukon. I am doing good because so far I am not wearing any grain slop. I go out to the filly and Beaver.........carefully make my way through the paddock.......coming back I must cross through Yukon's stall. I stop and observe that he has grain all over his muzzle and on his forehead........he is licking the wall clean.....like a kid licking the batter from a a bowl. Cute...he is busy, I have nothing for him ..just carrying an empty bucket........I enter the stall and walk behind him and he turns and rubs his head on my shoulder. Great.......slimed by grain residue with some added beet pulp. It is a wonder they continue to employ me........the way I show up sometimes. Sometimes I head right for the bathroom to check myself out.........pick hay out of my hair, wipe mud spots off.........change my shoes....I always carry more shoes in the car......sometimes extra jackets.......jeans..........shirts.....you name it.
I finish up and head out for work........wash my hands in a bucket of warm water........unroll my pants legs........change my coat.......shake my bra loose of hay (thanks Church).......then realize that I need to fill up Vinnie's water trough. I drag the hose over......and it sticks on something..........I tug it hard and lose my balance backwards into the manure cart. It can't get any worse. Seriously. Now I have a large stain across my leg. I don't have extra jeans today....and not enough time to run home. Argh.....wet paper towels to rub across the stain.......nice try. I am sure I probably smell.
Into the truck and drive to work.
Into the bathroom........examine my face for cat food, examine my hair for hay.......wash my hands in HOT soapy water.........take a towel with soap to the spot on my jeans.......apply lipstick.........change my shoes.......VOILA........I am ready for work.
somedays it just doesn't pay.
Okay so time to feed everyone without getting grossly dirty, because as I said I go to my "real" job next.
I give hay to everyone, Church of course has to grab it from me and I get hay all down the front of my shirt. Nice.... it can go with the cat food eyeliner.
Next is grain. I give TarBaby his first because he is the oldest.....then move on to Yukon. I am doing good because so far I am not wearing any grain slop. I go out to the filly and Beaver.........carefully make my way through the paddock.......coming back I must cross through Yukon's stall. I stop and observe that he has grain all over his muzzle and on his forehead........he is licking the wall clean.....like a kid licking the batter from a a bowl. Cute...he is busy, I have nothing for him ..just carrying an empty bucket........I enter the stall and walk behind him and he turns and rubs his head on my shoulder. Great.......slimed by grain residue with some added beet pulp. It is a wonder they continue to employ me........the way I show up sometimes. Sometimes I head right for the bathroom to check myself out.........pick hay out of my hair, wipe mud spots off.........change my shoes....I always carry more shoes in the car......sometimes extra jackets.......jeans..........shirts.....you name it.
I finish up and head out for work........wash my hands in a bucket of warm water........unroll my pants legs........change my coat.......shake my bra loose of hay (thanks Church).......then realize that I need to fill up Vinnie's water trough. I drag the hose over......and it sticks on something..........I tug it hard and lose my balance backwards into the manure cart. It can't get any worse. Seriously. Now I have a large stain across my leg. I don't have extra jeans today....and not enough time to run home. Argh.....wet paper towels to rub across the stain.......nice try. I am sure I probably smell.
Into the truck and drive to work.
Into the bathroom........examine my face for cat food, examine my hair for hay.......wash my hands in HOT soapy water.........take a towel with soap to the spot on my jeans.......apply lipstick.........change my shoes.......VOILA........I am ready for work.
somedays it just doesn't pay.
Whoa...it is Thursday
Early........pouring rain. I guess they weren't kidding. The stalls will be a mess due to my prima donna's who don't want to get wet. Oh well, ....somedays you're the windshield, somedays you're the bug.
Good news is that Yukon is adopted! Congrats to Deborah! Yukon will be leaving Pony UP on Saturday. Way to go BIG GUY! We will miss him. Yukon is a really nice horse......great disposition, good manners.......ummmmmmm....maybe I can send Churchie instead? Deborah might notice....hmm.
Today is my Friday and I am looking forward to it. Lots to do tomorrow even if it rains. Horses get their feet trimmed and then dewormed. If we get a break in the rain, I will work on fencing and cleaning paddocks.
I had dinner last night with a fellow rescuer. It is good to throw ideas around and see what is working, what is not........who is who and how certain things come together. Always helpful......
it is good to work together and help each other when we can.
Today I get the oil in the truck changed, belts changed, tires rotated.........have to make sure it is totally ready to haul the trailer a long distance. Tomorrow I will have the tires checked on the trailer and the wheels greased. I should wash it.........the truck too. I hate to wash vehicles.
I read that a rescue is in trouble.....not a local one. This is bad. Lack of planning.......which has led to them actually starving their horses. Feeding straw. You read that right. This is inexcusable...CRIMINAL. I hope they go to jail. Taking folks money......and not spending it on the horses. This is what happens and why you should check out rescues.........visit them. I am not saying that everytime you visit Pony Up there won't be mud or dirt on a horse........there might be manure in a stall.......but all horses will be in good flesh, with fresh water, probably too much hay in their stalls.......they will be blanketed in rain or cold, they will be turned out in good weather.......they will have trimmed hooves........fly masks....... It makes me sick to think a horse has to be rescued from a rescue.
well off to the barn.......enjoy your day.
Pony Up fortune:
Find compassion and hold it tightly.
Good news is that Yukon is adopted! Congrats to Deborah! Yukon will be leaving Pony UP on Saturday. Way to go BIG GUY! We will miss him. Yukon is a really nice horse......great disposition, good manners.......ummmmmmm....maybe I can send Churchie instead? Deborah might notice....hmm.
Today is my Friday and I am looking forward to it. Lots to do tomorrow even if it rains. Horses get their feet trimmed and then dewormed. If we get a break in the rain, I will work on fencing and cleaning paddocks.
I had dinner last night with a fellow rescuer. It is good to throw ideas around and see what is working, what is not........who is who and how certain things come together. Always helpful......
it is good to work together and help each other when we can.
Today I get the oil in the truck changed, belts changed, tires rotated.........have to make sure it is totally ready to haul the trailer a long distance. Tomorrow I will have the tires checked on the trailer and the wheels greased. I should wash it.........the truck too. I hate to wash vehicles.
I read that a rescue is in trouble.....not a local one. This is bad. Lack of planning.......which has led to them actually starving their horses. Feeding straw. You read that right. This is inexcusable...CRIMINAL. I hope they go to jail. Taking folks money......and not spending it on the horses. This is what happens and why you should check out rescues.........visit them. I am not saying that everytime you visit Pony Up there won't be mud or dirt on a horse........there might be manure in a stall.......but all horses will be in good flesh, with fresh water, probably too much hay in their stalls.......they will be blanketed in rain or cold, they will be turned out in good weather.......they will have trimmed hooves........fly masks....... It makes me sick to think a horse has to be rescued from a rescue.
well off to the barn.......enjoy your day.
Pony Up fortune:
Find compassion and hold it tightly.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Typical Tuesday
Not much new at the zoo today.........kind of a cold morning and I drug my feet leaving the house which made for a late start.
I got to the barn and found that Yukon had stolen a whole bale of hay from the stack. We got hay yesterday and got a little more than usual.......so he helped himself. He was not hungry for hay, obviously........but pawed and caused a ruckus for his grain. I scolded him and he didn't care. He is a good boy and so kind.
Tarbaby is unhappy in the middle stall.......Churchie picks on him and Yukon tries to bite him over the fence. We will move him this weekend. I think he misses Jake.........they got along like peas in a pod....he needs an older horse to romp and nap with.
I spilled water in the aisle way and had to lay stall pellets down to soak it up........ugh. That is what I get when I hurry. I need a vacuum...........heck.......I need a maid.
The barn kitties are FINALLY going outside to look around, but come right in when I call them for their evening canned food. I have had to hide their dry food bowl to keep it away from Mr. Peacock and his chicken friends. I lock them in at night and they sleep curled up in their cat bed in a little wooden cat house.
I drove off to work and listened to Toby Keith sing "Whiskey Girl".......I love him. Ummm.....if he ever comes to my house and asks me to run off.......umm......well........we might have a problem on our hands.
Yukon is 90 percent adopted......we just have to have a site visit......congratulations! We expect to have this done on Saturday. A loving person with a big heart for an older horse........thank you....you know who you are.
It is supposed to rain and rain hard this week and it is supposed to last for several days.........I dread it......I was just feeling spring. I want to work outside and feel the sun on my arms and face. My patience is thin.....very thin.
I have had enough sadness for a whole year this past month........I am looking forward to some happier times, good weather, good friends........and some fun.
Pony Up fortune for tomorrow:
The indifference you show will be shown to you when you expect it the least.
I got to the barn and found that Yukon had stolen a whole bale of hay from the stack. We got hay yesterday and got a little more than usual.......so he helped himself. He was not hungry for hay, obviously........but pawed and caused a ruckus for his grain. I scolded him and he didn't care. He is a good boy and so kind.
Tarbaby is unhappy in the middle stall.......Churchie picks on him and Yukon tries to bite him over the fence. We will move him this weekend. I think he misses Jake.........they got along like peas in a pod....he needs an older horse to romp and nap with.
I spilled water in the aisle way and had to lay stall pellets down to soak it up........ugh. That is what I get when I hurry. I need a vacuum...........heck.......I need a maid.
The barn kitties are FINALLY going outside to look around, but come right in when I call them for their evening canned food. I have had to hide their dry food bowl to keep it away from Mr. Peacock and his chicken friends. I lock them in at night and they sleep curled up in their cat bed in a little wooden cat house.
I drove off to work and listened to Toby Keith sing "Whiskey Girl".......I love him. Ummm.....if he ever comes to my house and asks me to run off.......umm......well........we might have a problem on our hands.
Yukon is 90 percent adopted......we just have to have a site visit......congratulations! We expect to have this done on Saturday. A loving person with a big heart for an older horse........thank you....you know who you are.
It is supposed to rain and rain hard this week and it is supposed to last for several days.........I dread it......I was just feeling spring. I want to work outside and feel the sun on my arms and face. My patience is thin.....very thin.
I have had enough sadness for a whole year this past month........I am looking forward to some happier times, good weather, good friends........and some fun.
Pony Up fortune for tomorrow:
The indifference you show will be shown to you when you expect it the least.
Monday, February 8, 2010
The little guy
We are sad to announce that the foal was euthanized last night.
Here is a report from the equine hospital:
"The decision was made last night to euthanize the foal. He continued to struggle to get up, exhausting himself to the point he was unable to assist us in helping him get up. We felt the most humane thing for us to do was to end his suffering and let him go. We did a necropsy to determine what happened. He was infested with small strongyles. There was virtually no tissue on his small intestine that didn’t have scarring from parasite damage, live strongyles, and encysted strongyle larva. There was nearly no surface area left for absorbing nutrients. Without that, he couldn’t get enough strength to get healthy enough to start dealing with the parasites. Had we started a worming protocol, the toxic byproduct of shedding that amount of parasites would likely have killed him."
Rest in peace baby boy.
Here is a report from the equine hospital:
"The decision was made last night to euthanize the foal. He continued to struggle to get up, exhausting himself to the point he was unable to assist us in helping him get up. We felt the most humane thing for us to do was to end his suffering and let him go. We did a necropsy to determine what happened. He was infested with small strongyles. There was virtually no tissue on his small intestine that didn’t have scarring from parasite damage, live strongyles, and encysted strongyle larva. There was nearly no surface area left for absorbing nutrients. Without that, he couldn’t get enough strength to get healthy enough to start dealing with the parasites. Had we started a worming protocol, the toxic byproduct of shedding that amount of parasites would likely have killed him."
Rest in peace baby boy.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Super Bowl Sunday
Ummm.....if you are like me.....yawn........who cares? I don't like football....never have....perhaps if it was football on horses I would watch. Anyway, just another day.
I get up, drink coffee of course, let the dogs out, feed the dogs.....read my email, drink more coffee.........have a peice of toast that really wasn't all that great......change out of my jammies and head to the barn.
It is drizzling, sort of cold after yesterday...........I turn the wipers on, listen to Gordon Lightfoot sing "If You Could Read My Mind". Whatever happened to Gordon Lightfoot? He disappeared into the night.......didn't he become some sort of wierdo? Anyway, I always did like that song....even if he is a nut case or whatever.
I get to the barn and I realize that I will be infinitely happier when the sun comes out......the earth dries up........I long for dust and flies........and fat horses lazing in the sun.
I feed everyone and then start cleaning. I will not take blankets off today because it is going to be cool. I check the nest boxes for eggs........nada. ...darn chickens.
I bought some really cheap local grass hay that smells like summer.....really sweet and fresh. I bought it for Beaver because orchard grass gives him diarrhea and I couldn't find any good timothy........well, anyway, everyone wants it....they grab at it as I pass by......and so I give them some and you would think it is the finest alfalfa.......they eat it first.....except Beaver......NOPE...he hates it now....he liked it for like two days. Too bad...that is all he is offered.
Beaver is shedding like a yak. He needs a stiff brushing. I pull a few tufts of hair and he tries to bite me. I push him and he offers me his big old butt.......I say..."you better not".......and then he snaps his teeth at me again.
I decide that I will work on the fencing today......by myself. I brace a few corners......and then decide I need some more posts......another gate.......staples.........yep, I have to go to the feed store. I go and come back.......I work until dark........then feed again, fill water buckets.......and hand out more of the delectible grass hay.......it cracks me up. If you needed them to eat it...they certainly wouldn't. The chickens go to bed, the peacock goes up on the roof......cats are locked in.......I check on my mom.........and then go home.
long day.
Pony Up fortune for tomorrow:
Cat got your tongue?
I get up, drink coffee of course, let the dogs out, feed the dogs.....read my email, drink more coffee.........have a peice of toast that really wasn't all that great......change out of my jammies and head to the barn.
It is drizzling, sort of cold after yesterday...........I turn the wipers on, listen to Gordon Lightfoot sing "If You Could Read My Mind". Whatever happened to Gordon Lightfoot? He disappeared into the night.......didn't he become some sort of wierdo? Anyway, I always did like that song....even if he is a nut case or whatever.
I get to the barn and I realize that I will be infinitely happier when the sun comes out......the earth dries up........I long for dust and flies........and fat horses lazing in the sun.
I feed everyone and then start cleaning. I will not take blankets off today because it is going to be cool. I check the nest boxes for eggs........nada. ...darn chickens.
I bought some really cheap local grass hay that smells like summer.....really sweet and fresh. I bought it for Beaver because orchard grass gives him diarrhea and I couldn't find any good timothy........well, anyway, everyone wants it....they grab at it as I pass by......and so I give them some and you would think it is the finest alfalfa.......they eat it first.....except Beaver......NOPE...he hates it now....he liked it for like two days. Too bad...that is all he is offered.
Beaver is shedding like a yak. He needs a stiff brushing. I pull a few tufts of hair and he tries to bite me. I push him and he offers me his big old butt.......I say..."you better not".......and then he snaps his teeth at me again.
I decide that I will work on the fencing today......by myself. I brace a few corners......and then decide I need some more posts......another gate.......staples.........yep, I have to go to the feed store. I go and come back.......I work until dark........then feed again, fill water buckets.......and hand out more of the delectible grass hay.......it cracks me up. If you needed them to eat it...they certainly wouldn't. The chickens go to bed, the peacock goes up on the roof......cats are locked in.......I check on my mom.........and then go home.
long day.
Pony Up fortune for tomorrow:
Cat got your tongue?
My grandma died yesterday.
She was 99 and would have seen 100 in just a about a month.
4'11 and about 89 lbs.....still had all her own teeth and only one tiny filling. She lived by herself until two years ago when she broke her wrist and then went to assisted living.
Grandma caught the flu two weeks ago and it quickly turned into pnuemonia. She died peacefully in her sleep yesterday afternoon.
Sweet dreams Grandma...
Yesterday morning we continued working on installing the non climb fencing in the paddocks......we loaded manure for folks starting gardens and then we had a short Pony Up general meeting followed by a permanent board of directors meeting.
We welcome a new member to Pony Up.......Deborah.........! nice to meet you and we welcome your ideas.
It was a gorgeous day yesterday and I feel like we have made it to spring. I took all the horses' blankets off an they all got a good stretch and a roll in the dirt/mud. Kim took pictures.......but ummm.........they were not pretty or photogenic with the mud! well.........they were cute. Tarbaby was so clean and then SO dirty.......but he had fun. Imagine being able to run and roll in dirt after being in prison for so long.
We brought Yukon home yesterday too and he is fit as a fiddle.........thank you Doreen and Cherri for the excellent care of him. He has lived like a king. Keep your fingers crossed for his adoption.
I attended the Lower Puget Sound Dressage Club auction last night........great food, great auction items.........desserts, friends and kind supporters of Pony Up.
The foal.........named Soliel by the staff at the equine hospital is holding his own. He is infested with lice and worms. He still has trouble standing and is of course still on IV fluids. We keep our hopes up for him....and hope you will "jingle" for him. I mentioned donations for him the other day and if you would like to donate for this little guy.......you can donate right to the hospital or to us. If you donate to us, it is tax deductible........if you donate to the hospital it isn't. If you email me, I will send the hospital name and phone number.
We don't know how Soliel will fare.....he deserves something good after something this bad.
Well, off to the barn.
Enjoy your day.
She was 99 and would have seen 100 in just a about a month.
4'11 and about 89 lbs.....still had all her own teeth and only one tiny filling. She lived by herself until two years ago when she broke her wrist and then went to assisted living.
Grandma caught the flu two weeks ago and it quickly turned into pnuemonia. She died peacefully in her sleep yesterday afternoon.
Sweet dreams Grandma...
Yesterday morning we continued working on installing the non climb fencing in the paddocks......we loaded manure for folks starting gardens and then we had a short Pony Up general meeting followed by a permanent board of directors meeting.
We welcome a new member to Pony Up.......Deborah.........! nice to meet you and we welcome your ideas.
It was a gorgeous day yesterday and I feel like we have made it to spring. I took all the horses' blankets off an they all got a good stretch and a roll in the dirt/mud. Kim took pictures.......but ummm.........they were not pretty or photogenic with the mud! well.........they were cute. Tarbaby was so clean and then SO dirty.......but he had fun. Imagine being able to run and roll in dirt after being in prison for so long.
We brought Yukon home yesterday too and he is fit as a fiddle.........thank you Doreen and Cherri for the excellent care of him. He has lived like a king. Keep your fingers crossed for his adoption.
I attended the Lower Puget Sound Dressage Club auction last night........great food, great auction items.........desserts, friends and kind supporters of Pony Up.
The foal.........named Soliel by the staff at the equine hospital is holding his own. He is infested with lice and worms. He still has trouble standing and is of course still on IV fluids. We keep our hopes up for him....and hope you will "jingle" for him. I mentioned donations for him the other day and if you would like to donate for this little guy.......you can donate right to the hospital or to us. If you donate to us, it is tax deductible........if you donate to the hospital it isn't. If you email me, I will send the hospital name and phone number.
We don't know how Soliel will fare.....he deserves something good after something this bad.
Well, off to the barn.
Enjoy your day.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Feelin' it Friday
The foal I wrote about the other night is finally in an emergency equine facility......on IV fluids and currently unable to get up. He is being nursed round the clock by a caring crew of equine specialists. The folks could not make up their minds about relinquishing him....but finally decided to give him up today when he could no longer stand.
Although he is 9 months old, he is the size of a three month old foal. He had to be carried on a tarp from where he lay to the transport trailer and then again into the equine hospital. He was very weak but hungry.
This is what happens when:
1. a horse/foal is given away and no one checks references or does a site visit
2. the horse/foal is fed the "lawn" diet......as in he is given nothing to eat but the front lawn
3. uneducated people take on an animal that they know nothing about and have no desire to learn
We are not sure if the foal will make it. He is in bad shape that is for sure.......critical condition. Such a shame and so heartbreaking.
On the flip side, I want to give full credit to the equine hospital that took him in, who are caring for him non gratis......free of charge.........because they love and care for equines. ...however...I did not get permission from them yet.......and so I cannot mention their name....but I will tomorrow and then I want everyone to know.....they took mercy on him. We have offered to take him him if he can get on his feet.........we have a transitional home for him while we prepare a foal suite.
......please keep him in your prayers. If you would like to make a donation for his care, please see our website or email us. We would like to give the veterinary hospital who is caring for him...a little something.
EDITED TO NOTE: you may use the regular PAYPAL button and please mark your donation for "the foal".
It was a gorgeous day today, I cleaned paddocks this morning, then ran errands, then went to see Winston........then to the feed store..
Pony UP meeting tomorrow........see you there?
Pony UP fortune for tomorrow.......
Good things come in small packages.
Hang on Little Man....hang on......you have a group of volunteers who want to help you!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
well it's Wednesday
Up early and to the barn......it is lightly misting and the sky is streaked with pink.....like cotton candy that you pull from a cone.......I have hopes that it will be nice out today.
Vinnie is pacing the fence.....hungry for his grain and I can hear Max calling to me from the back paddock. A more normal morning by far.
I feed the cats, throw seeds to the chickens......then I throw hay. Vinnie is not satisfied with hay......he wants G R A I N......and he wants it now. He is a little pushy at the gate and I make him back up and give me some space. He does and I reward him. Vinnie needs to go to work and we need to assess his soundness. I have not seen anything wrong with him beyond some scarring on his right hind.....but sometimes things surprise you.
I feed everyone else .....no drama.......no issues....
I sweep up the floor and then it is off to work........I leave the door open for the barn cats, who have decided after all this time that they can now go out. I hope they catch some mice today...we seem to have a lot of mice.
I receive a call today and someone is asking for help with a foal..........a foal who is starving.
A foal who was given to some folks who never owned a horse before.....and did not know how to feed him.......they fed him "lawn" grass........and that was it. The foal has crashed....starved almost to death. I am not sure what we can do........we can perhaps offer him a gentle euthanasia......we have offered to help in anyway we can. I will keep you informed. It is heartbreaking to hear.
Pony Up fortune for tomorrow::
Take inventory of your life and go forward with a solid count.
Vinnie is pacing the fence.....hungry for his grain and I can hear Max calling to me from the back paddock. A more normal morning by far.
I feed the cats, throw seeds to the chickens......then I throw hay. Vinnie is not satisfied with hay......he wants G R A I N......and he wants it now. He is a little pushy at the gate and I make him back up and give me some space. He does and I reward him. Vinnie needs to go to work and we need to assess his soundness. I have not seen anything wrong with him beyond some scarring on his right hind.....but sometimes things surprise you.
I feed everyone else .....no drama.......no issues....
I sweep up the floor and then it is off to work........I leave the door open for the barn cats, who have decided after all this time that they can now go out. I hope they catch some mice today...we seem to have a lot of mice.
I receive a call today and someone is asking for help with a foal..........a foal who is starving.
A foal who was given to some folks who never owned a horse before.....and did not know how to feed him.......they fed him "lawn" grass........and that was it. The foal has crashed....starved almost to death. I am not sure what we can do........we can perhaps offer him a gentle euthanasia......we have offered to help in anyway we can. I will keep you informed. It is heartbreaking to hear.
Pony Up fortune for tomorrow::
Take inventory of your life and go forward with a solid count.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Toss and turn Tuesday
I didn't sleep well last night. I got up several times, took the dogs out.....surveyed the moon in the west of the sky, along the treeline.........pale as blue cheese, with a perfect ring of fir boughs around it.......I wished I could take a picture as it was so perfect looking...like something you see in a magazine.
I checked email........I made coffee.......took an advil.........heated a rice bag and finally slept around 4am.
I got up at 5:15, put the dogs out again, fed everyone, made toast......put some laundry in.....and dreaded going to the barn. But to the barn I went at 6 thirty......it was eerily quiet..no one called to me........no horse noise.......no Jake. I choked back a few tears and got through the feeding, then cleaned TarBaby's stall and paddock. It is so quiet, I think that perhaps we are all feeling the same thing. The horses in the upper paddocks watched the euthanization yesterday......they stood a distance away......a polite distance and they were quiet in their watching. I had Kim try to distract them, but I think they knew.
This rescue business is Russian Roulette.......save one and he goes to a new home where he is a superstar and your heart swells with pride...........save another and he has been so abused or injured that the kindest thing you can do is to euthanize him and your heart breaks in two.
We have euthanized five horses in a year. I hate that part....really hate it. I try to focus on the good...........but somedays the good is hard to find........even still I go on and try to continue to do some good......for someone........somewhere. When I think I have not made much of a difference I still remember the starfish story and it comforts me a little.
We have a waiting list at the barn......a waiting list of folks who cannot for some reason keep their old horse or young horse or sick horse.....I have a hard time prioritizing........I get caught up in emotion. I am a sucker for old horses....but a starving horse too. oh and if you tell me it is a Thoroughbred........I love them best...............BUT....BUT.............We are full right now even with Jake's death. We have some very adoptable horses who must be placed first.
Sully, Breeze, Yukon, Vinnie...... and then we can think about who can come into the fold.
I must be responsible as well as compassionate. I don't know how larger rescues do it.....so much work everyday......I can hardly keep up somedays even with help.....and we have less than ten horses. The manure never stops.
Again, today I will take the time to thank our volunteers.......people who give up their time for the love of a few horses. As well, I thank our veterinarians, the feed stores and others who send help our way. We depend on you and your kindness. Thank you.
Kim and I have worked on fencing in the barn paddocks with no climb fence and I have to say............IT LOOKS REALLY GOOD. We do good work. We will fence in the filly's paddock next and a couple of short stretches around the out buildings.......we look like a real horse farm........it is coming together....by this summer.........voila..........maybe we will finally be DONE!
We are working on a grant to help us replace the arena fencing..........we need 35 posts and three rolls of non climb......as well as some sand footing.........we are hopeful!
A refreshing change of weather today.........it felt like spring. A walk around the farm and I noticied budding trees........the rhubarb is starting to come up, clumps of daisies are starting to sprout......is winter over?
Pony Up fortune for tomorrow:
Hug the monster and he will become less monstrous.
I checked email........I made coffee.......took an advil.........heated a rice bag and finally slept around 4am.
I got up at 5:15, put the dogs out again, fed everyone, made toast......put some laundry in.....and dreaded going to the barn. But to the barn I went at 6 thirty......it was eerily quiet..no one called to me........no horse noise.......no Jake. I choked back a few tears and got through the feeding, then cleaned TarBaby's stall and paddock. It is so quiet, I think that perhaps we are all feeling the same thing. The horses in the upper paddocks watched the euthanization yesterday......they stood a distance away......a polite distance and they were quiet in their watching. I had Kim try to distract them, but I think they knew.
This rescue business is Russian Roulette.......save one and he goes to a new home where he is a superstar and your heart swells with pride...........save another and he has been so abused or injured that the kindest thing you can do is to euthanize him and your heart breaks in two.
We have euthanized five horses in a year. I hate that part....really hate it. I try to focus on the good...........but somedays the good is hard to find........even still I go on and try to continue to do some good......for someone........somewhere. When I think I have not made much of a difference I still remember the starfish story and it comforts me a little.
We have a waiting list at the barn......a waiting list of folks who cannot for some reason keep their old horse or young horse or sick horse.....I have a hard time prioritizing........I get caught up in emotion. I am a sucker for old horses....but a starving horse too. oh and if you tell me it is a Thoroughbred........I love them best...............BUT....BUT.............We are full right now even with Jake's death. We have some very adoptable horses who must be placed first.
Sully, Breeze, Yukon, Vinnie...... and then we can think about who can come into the fold.
I must be responsible as well as compassionate. I don't know how larger rescues do it.....so much work everyday......I can hardly keep up somedays even with help.....and we have less than ten horses. The manure never stops.
Again, today I will take the time to thank our volunteers.......people who give up their time for the love of a few horses. As well, I thank our veterinarians, the feed stores and others who send help our way. We depend on you and your kindness. Thank you.
Kim and I have worked on fencing in the barn paddocks with no climb fence and I have to say............IT LOOKS REALLY GOOD. We do good work. We will fence in the filly's paddock next and a couple of short stretches around the out buildings.......we look like a real horse farm........it is coming together....by this summer.........voila..........maybe we will finally be DONE!
We are working on a grant to help us replace the arena fencing..........we need 35 posts and three rolls of non climb......as well as some sand footing.........we are hopeful!
A refreshing change of weather today.........it felt like spring. A walk around the farm and I noticied budding trees........the rhubarb is starting to come up, clumps of daisies are starting to sprout......is winter over?
Pony Up fortune for tomorrow:
Hug the monster and he will become less monstrous.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Morose Monday
I cannot write much about my day that seems more important than loving Jake.
We let Jake go today.......
We fed him a big breakfast, groomed him, gave him kisses and fed him apples. He was euthanized shortly before noon. A gentleman to the end, Jake was obedient and quiet.....I whispered in his ears how much we loved him and told him not to be scared......and then we layed him down.
I took his death hard. I cried and held his head for a long time....I feel a little empty and emotionally wiped out.
I guess you just feel what you feel and I felt heartbroken to have brought this guy back from the brink, just to let him go.
The only bright spot was knowing that for a small space in time Jake was loved and pampered by the whole Pony Up crew and our supporters. People emailed and asked about him.....he got lots of attention, food, kisses and in the end, he got dignity. He will not suffer again.
Jake is buried in the wooded part of our property. I could not bear for him to be taken away or roughly handled. He is buried in his halter. It is a quiet patch of ground at the far side of the arena.
It is funny, the things you get used to, the noises.......the whinnies, the neighs......cribbing noises......and you come back to the barn and one thing is missing and it might as well be ten.
The barn was not the same without Jake's low throaty whinny. We will surely miss him.
Pony UP fortune for tomorrow.
Do not wear your heart on your sleeve, wear it on your forehead.
We let Jake go today.......
We fed him a big breakfast, groomed him, gave him kisses and fed him apples. He was euthanized shortly before noon. A gentleman to the end, Jake was obedient and quiet.....I whispered in his ears how much we loved him and told him not to be scared......and then we layed him down.
I took his death hard. I cried and held his head for a long time....I feel a little empty and emotionally wiped out.
I guess you just feel what you feel and I felt heartbroken to have brought this guy back from the brink, just to let him go.
The only bright spot was knowing that for a small space in time Jake was loved and pampered by the whole Pony Up crew and our supporters. People emailed and asked about him.....he got lots of attention, food, kisses and in the end, he got dignity. He will not suffer again.
Jake is buried in the wooded part of our property. I could not bear for him to be taken away or roughly handled. He is buried in his halter. It is a quiet patch of ground at the far side of the arena.
It is funny, the things you get used to, the noises.......the whinnies, the neighs......cribbing noises......and you come back to the barn and one thing is missing and it might as well be ten.
The barn was not the same without Jake's low throaty whinny. We will surely miss him.
Pony UP fortune for tomorrow.
Do not wear your heart on your sleeve, wear it on your forehead.
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