Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday and when it rains it pours

Oneload of the washer, one load of laundry folded........dogs fed, out of the house and I start out of the house. I can hear the rain before I see it....then I feel it as I run to my truck. Throw the wipers on high, turn the defrost on and listen to the oldies station........Robert Palmer's Doctor Doctor......why don't I listen to this station more often?

I get to the barn and it is DARK....but I am brave. I first walk and open the chicken house door, then switch the barn lights on, open the cat's door ...give them a can of wet food.........then it is showtime! Greeted by whinnies and grumblings......FEED US and FEED US NOW! I throw hay.....then fix grain.....cut up apples and throw in some applesauce from some containers I have....then add hot water (courtesy of a new commercial coffee pot.......thanks Stiffeys!) The grain smells good enough that I could eat it. I think about oatmeal.......raisin and cinnamon........I should have had some. I have some lukewarm coffee I brought with me and I am thinking that I should have bought some of that Starbuck's Via.....maybe perfect for the barn?

I clean stalls and a few paddocks in the rain. My hair is soaked and I must go to work. I should have put a hairdryer in the barn. Oh to work anyway.
I will stop and get a latte to warm milk, oatmeal. :)

The day wears on.......I go to lunch with my friend Bob and we have tuna melt sandwiches...and hot about stuff and who we know, what we know and how we know it

I ordered hay yesterday and it is delivered this evening......two tons.....nice heavy bales, green, smells wonderful and I am left with the good feeling of having a full barnful of hay. Maybe the best feeling in the world.....and I didn't have to touch it.

hmmm..........the best feelings in the world........think about it and see what you come up with........

mine are:

clean sheets when you are tired.

finding your lost cat after several hours.

a twenty dollar bill in last winter's jacket pocket

a hot shower when you are freezing cold

a note from a friend on a day when you feel low.

laughing so hard your sides hurt.

I hope your week brings you everything that gives you the best feelings in the world........

Pony Up fortune for Tueday:

Look in the mirror solace and forgiveness......then grant it to others

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